Don McDonald

Founder at McDonald Luxury Homes - , Alberta, Canada

Don McDonald's Colleagues at McDonald Luxury Homes
Don McDonald's Contact Details
McDonald Luxury Homes
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McDonald Luxury Homes

, Alberta, Canada • 2 Employees

The McDonald Luxury Homes StoryA desire to blaze a new and better path for himself, his family and the homebuilding industry led Don McDonald to uproot his young family from rural Manitoba and move to Calgary in 2001.Frustrated with high-volume, low-standard homebuilding practices he'd witnessed working for others, Don wanted to do his part to stop construction horror stories; so he embraced the energy and entrepreneurial spirit of Calgary, modelled his father's work ethic and started McDonald Luxury Homes, a company that has grown to be Calgary's one true luxury home builder.The company's success is rooted not only in Don's work ethic and smarts, but also in his ability to understand the dreams of his clients and build legacy homes that last more than a lifetime.

Details about McDonald Luxury Homes
Frequently Asked Questions about Don McDonald
Don McDonald currently works for McDonald Luxury Homes.
Don McDonald's role at McDonald Luxury Homes is Founder.
Don McDonald's email address is *** To view Don McDonald's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Don McDonald works in the Construction industry.
Don McDonald's colleagues at McDonald Luxury Homes are and others.
Don McDonald's phone number is 4032081940
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