Don Millett

retired executive at National Gridiron League - Brisbane, Queensland, AU

Don Millett's Colleagues at National Gridiron League
Steve Lux

Retired Configuration Control Board Chairman - GE Aviation / Energy

Contact Steve Lux

Rick Cox

Co-chairman RBCox Corp

Contact Rick Cox

Mohammad Fely

Agreggate , concrete production expert

Contact Mohammad Fely

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National Gridiron League
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National Gridiron League logo, National Gridiron League contact details

National Gridiron League

Brisbane, Queensland, AU • 500 - 999 Employees
Sports Clubs/Sports Entertainment

The National Gridiron League is a professional American Football league, and is the highest level of competition for American football in Australia. The NGL will bring high quality, live American football entertainment. The league will launch with nine teams, located in two separate states. The state of Queensland will host four teams, and the state of New South Wales will host five teams. In 2016, the league will feature an 18 week regular season, which is scheduled to run from August to December. Each team will play 16 games with at least two bye weeks. Following the regular season, six teams will compete in the league's three-week playoffs. The league will host all games at premier stadiums and will nationally televise a selected game in each week in each state. The NGL will kick off in 2016 with four teams in Queensland and five teams in New South Wales. The league has expansions plans for four additional teams in Victoria in 2017/18 and further expansion into South Australia and Western Australia.

Details about National Gridiron League
Frequently Asked Questions about Don Millett
Don Millett currently works for None.
Don Millett's role at None is retired executive.
Don Millett's email address is *** To view Don Millett's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Don Millett works in the Sports industry.
Don Millett's colleagues at National Gridiron League are Steve Lux, Rick Cox, Neil Perth, Matt Allen, Paul Halliday, Jaleh Mahloudji, Mohammad Fely and others.
Don Millett's phone number is 202-637-0776
See more information about Don Millett