Today, our passions have become our core competencies: network infrastructure, physical security, computer repair, and creating those one-off solutions for your specific needs. We are based in Kansas City, our concentration is the Midwest, but we’ve been known to have teams traveling the country working on projects for our larger, multistate clients. While we serve everyone from home users to nationwide companies, we’ve found our niche in the call center, banking, education, and data colocation industries. Solving our client’s multisystem integration, compliance, and high security needs are what we enjoy most. TekSolutions accomplishes exactly what our name states: technology solutions. Since we opened in 1989, we’ve rapidly changed and evolved along with the technology field. Our team is comprised of experienced people with a vast knowledgebase across many segments of technology and installation practices. Our clients are impressed that we implement most of our projects, from conception through completion, ourselves. Frequently, we find ourselves consulting on all aspects of our client’s IT needs. Our experience and strong alliances with many of our technology partners have turned us into an invaluable resource to our clients.