We have started this company as an initiative to teach the common man of different ways and methods they can use to make their lives easier and happier.We believe everyone has the potential to grow and be happy, however, we have come to realize that most of us do not focus more on ourselves and rather distract ourselves by indulging into things that will not add any value to our life.We have seen many channels and platforms that promote one or the other kind of development, but never found a common platform for everything. Therefore, in the wake of the pandemic due to Covid 19, we started this first on Instagram, trying to teach people how they can be happier in the time when the world is in so much anxiety and stress, and the volume of mental health cases have touched a new high. We believe, most of the problems arise because we neglect the messages our body gives us, and therefore, we want to speak the language of the body and make them understand the same in easy words and not signs and symptoms. Let's make the world a much better place, and enjoy the journey of doing the same.