New digital platforms allow updated knowledge, fresh prognosis and analysis to become much more accessible. In spite of this, thousands of executives still make important decisions based solely on intuition, previous experience and confidence.Another trend is that many medium and large enterprises have constructed giant databanks containing more or less relevant and possibly outdated information. Reports, accounts, KPIs, sales figures, market analysis are known examples of data that fills up company servers at an accelerating speed.In most cases, the ability to utilize such vast volumes of raw data is rather limited for regular users.Valero offers several services and products designed to solve problems related to the perspectives outlined here.Our mission is to give our customers the best possible insight before strategic decisions are made. To do this, we use long industry knowledge combined with one of the most efficient blends of digital tools on the market. These tools are adapted to business areas linked to Big Data, Internet of Things and Cloud.Valero's business platform consists of analysis, strategy and technology. These are concepts that affect all business ventures in our modern world. They are also inextricably linked. All Valero services and products are focused mainly on "effect". To obtain this effect, we also possess an expertise in all three business areas.With a holistic view of change and improvement, we create a better basis for change, and thus measurable impact of choices, priorities and initiatives.