Commercial truck driver at Lee Jennings Target Express, Inc - Pomona, California, United States
We are a trucking company serving California and Arizona.The ultimate goal of trucking is to serve business people. We are in business to enhance that goal. Our policy is to give priority to the various needs of our shippers. Our outstanding record of on time delivery service demonstrates our concern for the needs of our customers.We believe our staff's goal is to respond to the marketplace and constantly strive to anticipate and meet our customer's needs. Only by anticipating the needs of the marketplace in advance can we attain and hold a leadership position in the face of keen competition in the trucking industry. We must devote our resources to develop a better system of trouble-free service.It is our constant goal to work in close cooperation with our shippers, our partners in profit and progress. This alliance with our customer provides a firm foundation for our expanding role in the trucking industry.