Türk pazarında uzun geçmişi olan bir şirkettir.Şirket dünyada tanınmış birçok firmayı Türkiye'de temsil etmektedir.Şirketin yöneticileri kendi alanlarında deneyimli olup çeşitli departmanlarda görev almaktadırlar. İlaç Departmanı: Özellikle Türk İlaç sektörüne Çin'den hammadde ve yardımcı maddeler tedarik etmektedir.Kağıt Departmanı: Cartiere Lucchese, Amcor, Tembec, Industria Cartaria Pieretti, Jojo Thermal , Smurfit Kappa, Arjowiggins ve Nar firmalarının Türkiye temsilciliğini yapmaktadır.Makine Departmanı: Türkiye'de önde gelen firmalara Çin'den makine temin etmektedir.ENGLISH VERSION:LEVİ DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş has a long history on the Turkish market. The company has the honor to represent, since decades, various companies with worldwidereputation and to provide them its professional services. The company's shareholders and managers manage its various divisions which are experienced in their fields:Pharmaceutical Division:The pharma division exclusively represents various leading Chinese producers of pharmaceutical raw materials, intermediates and activeingredients. It provides professional services to the leading producers of pharmaceuticals in Turkey.Papers Division:The papers division is active in various papers, including speciality papers and exclusively represents various leading producers of papers for the Turkish market, located in various countries all over the world.Production lines and machines:LDT has the honor to represent in Turkey various leading Chinese which produce complete production lines for the pharmaceutical, beverages, food processing, comestible and industrial oils and many other lines. Professional services are provided by LDT to its customers due to its close contacts with its business partners located in Wuxi and Guangdong (China) and in Moscow (Russia).