CEO/Founder, Expert Professional Planner at Preferred Planning Group LLC - Montvale, NJ, US
We are responsive and experienced land development and zoning experts with hands on owner engagement. Our dynamic solutions chart the course for successful outcomes on behalf of public and private sector clients in NJ, NY and the region. With over 30 years of multidisciplinary land use specialization, we offer seasoned advice on the best path to achieve your goal. We are dedicated to your satisfaction.Our consulting planning group is skilled in all land use procedures, permitting and public presentations. We are distinguished by our innovation in 3D modeling, photo simulation and project visualization. We can provide 3D models and context sensitive development simulations and prepare conceptual CAD layouts for site development alternatives. We understand the complexities of land use and zoning details and have served as expert witness in Courts, as well as before approving authorities. With a proven track record of success in issues relating to inherently beneficial land uses and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) matters, we are qualified to help you navigate controversy and objection. Our menu of Professional Planning Services includes the following:- Expert testimony, litigation and application support- Municipal and government authority consulting- Zone Amendments, Comprehensive Plans, Master Plans, Periodic Reexaminations- Redevelopment and Rehabilitation Planning and Analysis- Fiscal Impact and Socioeconomic Studies- NYSEQRA, EAF, DEIS/FEIS, alternatives and mitigation- Environmental Analysis, Development Potential, Site Suitability Studies- Transportation Planning- Permit coordination, expediting and processing We look forward to hearing from you. Contact Donna Holmqvist, AICP, PP (Founder) for consultation on your project.E: admin@preferredplanninggroupllc.comT: 201.773.1977W: