Donna Moore

Trainer Revenue Cycle at UCSD Design Lab - La Jolla, CA, US

Donna Moore's Contact Details
UCSD Design Lab
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UCSD Design Lab logo, UCSD Design Lab contact details

UCSD Design Lab

La Jolla, CA, US • 100 - 249 Employees

The UC San Diego Design Lab works on major societal issues, such as large-scale education, automation, healthcare, visualization of complex phenomena and data, social interactions, citizen science, and the ethical issues that are of ever-increasing importance. For the Design Lab, design is a way of thinking, addressing the core issues, always taking a systems point of view, emphasizing the role of people in the complex systems of the modern world.For us, people-centered design means four things:1. Focusing on people2. Taking a systems point of view, realizing that most complications result from the interdependencies of the multiple parts3. Ensuring that we solve the core, root issues, not just the problem as presented to us (which is often the symptom, not the cause)4. Continually testing and refining our proposals, ensuring they truly meet the needs of the people for whom they are intended

Details about UCSD Design Lab
Frequently Asked Questions about Donna Moore
Donna Moore currently works for UCSD Design Lab.
Donna Moore's role at UCSD Design Lab is Trainer Revenue Cycle.
Donna Moore's email address is *** To view Donna Moore's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Donna Moore works in the Higher Education industry.
Donna Moore's colleagues at UCSD Design Lab are Susie Jin, Cora Xing, Jose Aldo, Lauren Weiss, Jane E, Justin Hwang, Aaron Goldberg and others.
Donna Moore's phone number is N/A
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