Michael LeFan--an independent copywriter with more than 30 years experience in business-to-business, government, retail, and direct marketing--writes sales letters, direct mail pieces, postcards, e-mail, brochures, press releases, newsletters, Web copy, white papers, and other marketing materials that clients need. Most copywriters tend to have only a few years of experience--and are not yet truly wordsmiths of the English language. Mike has been writing for clients for over a quarter of a century! Sure, there are other seasoned copywriters you can hire, but Mike does something that many of them don't--he writes his own copy. He doesn't hire beginning copywriters to work on your projects. If he works on your job, you know that every word of it was written by Michael LeFan … an advantage you will not receive from most other sources. Since 1970, I've been "Getting the words 'Write' for you."