Donny Rose

Chief Operating Officer at QCI, LLC™ - Ann Arbor, MI, US

Donny Rose's Colleagues at QCI, LLC™
Corey Smith

Business Development

Contact Corey Smith

Donny Rose's Contact Details
Ann Arbor,Michigan,United States
Donny Rose's Company Details
QCI, LLC™ logo, QCI, LLC™ contact details


Ann Arbor, MI, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Based in the Detroit metropolitan area, QCI, LLC™ manages 3 companies with industry moving sustainable technologies - Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to Energy & Fuels, Waste Plastic to Chemicals & Fuels, and Waste Tires to Recycled Carbon Black & Fuels. All of the technologies make the world a cleaner and better place to call home.Environmental issues have become a major subject in the last few decades, affecting science and technology throughout the world due to the serious environmental threats and impacts. The human race and the industrial revolution has been significantly polluting the planet for over 150 years. QCI has assembled some of the world's best Chemists and Engineers to work towards setting a new global standard in waste management, biofuels, & chemicals. Recent discoveries and strategic alignments now provide QCI a comprehensive array of custom solutions to assist in the reduction of global pollution and the carbon footprint of all Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), including Waste Plastic and Waste Tires.The companies of QCI, LLC™ will help diversify the energy mix and make greener everyday products while offering a sustainable and economical alternative to landfilling, incineration and petroleum-based fuels and chemicals.QCI, LLC™ is committed to bringing the latest and most reliable environmental and energy efficient technologies to our customers. QCI holds the key to reduce fossil fuel consumption, while our clean technology reduces emissions that threaten the environment globally.

Details about QCI, LLC™
Frequently Asked Questions about Donny Rose
Donny Rose currently works for ReMining Corporation.
Donny Rose's role at ReMining Corporation is Chief Operating Officer.
Donny Rose's email address is *** To view Donny Rose's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Donny Rose works in the Environmental Services industry.
Donny Rose's colleagues at QCI, LLC™ are Corey Smith and others.
Donny Rose's phone number is N/A
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