Dr. Dorene Lehavi, a business coach, former psychotherapist and relationships expert has become known as the Rescuer of Business Partnerships. She shows business owners how to beat the odds that 70% of them will fail by ensuring a winning partnership from start to finish. She created do-it-yourself tools to guide you from choosing the right partner, setting a strong foundation, preparing for the unexpected and if needed she knows how to rescue a partnership on the brink. Her one of a kind Let's Succeed Business Partnership Agreement is the most essential tool to solidify a strong foundation. She will tell you why you should use this one and avoid using a lawyer prepared agreement. Dr. Lehavi's experience with partnerships clearly demonstrates how the quality of the partnership relationship will clearly affect the bottom line in either direction.With over 25 years professionally assisting clients as a licensed psychotherapist, a coach and an experienced entrepreneur herself, Dr. Lehavi's programs have enabled breakthrough changes in businesses, and given courage, empowerment and clarity of vision to many entrepreneurs in both their business and personal lives.Dr. Lehavi is an adjunct professor and field instructor at University of Southern California's School of Social Work where she was awarded her PhD in 1995. She received her BA from Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University and her MSW from Hunter College School of Social Work, both in New York City.