Member Of The Management Board at Chenczke Group - Blizanów, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Chenczke Group to grupa podmiotów biznesowych działających na rynku lokalnym i międzynarodowym, w wielu zróżnicowanych branżach. Począwszy od produkcji i dystrybucji pomidorów - Chenczke Pomidory, po transport i spedycję - Chenczke Logistic, stacje benzynowe - Chenczke Energy, a także nowoczesny obiekt hotelowy - Kristoff.---------------Chenczke Group is a collective of business entities operating both on local and international market in several various branches.Transport and logistics company Chenczke Logistic grows rapidly, offering a wide range of logistic solutions suited for our customers' individual needs. We offer our own fleet of trucks which comply to highest standards. We operate in the area of European Union in accordance to CMR Convention and with insurance amount of 1 million euro.We specialize in tomato production as well. The vegetables are cultivated using newest technologies, such as computer-controlled climate and watering of the Grodan wool substratum. Our tomatoes reach customers all over Europe, mainly the LIDL markets.Back in 2010 our first filling station was established. Two years later we entered cooperation with BP, becoming their trusted partner, and succesfully developing a filling station network in Greater Poland region.Our offer extends to excellent services of a modern Kristoff Hotel situated by state road 442 in the area of Kalisz. It is a perfect location for a break in business or personal travels.