The company offers the UK's only Construction Design and Management (CDM) e-Learning training courses. All personnel involved in construction in the UK need to have at least a knowledge of the HSE CDM Regulations, and those designing, managing, or implementing construction projects both directly and indirectly need to be able to demonstrate what is defined by the HSE as Competence in the Regulations. The courses offered are aimed at CDM Coordinators, Designers, Architects etc.....and to date over 4,500 students have undertaken the online training. Courses are structured to traditional e-Learning principles, with a series of topic modules tested with randomised multi-choice questions which must be correctly answered before the student can move on to the next module. This method of delivery of training is available 24x7, very easy to use, and the student can move at their own pace. It is also very economical, costing less than 50% of a comparable classroom course per student. Our customers come from a wide variety of industries and are spread right across the UK with some students in Iceland, Italy, East Africa, and Afghanistan!