Our law firm, Cyrus & Adkins, Attorneys at Law, has represented numerous clients who were wrongfully denied Social Security disability benefits, as well as those suffering from personal injuries or struggling with insurance companies that have denied their claim. Our expertise in Social Security disability is enhanced by the expertise of our Social Security Consultant, Harriette M. Cyrus. From 1976-2006, Ms. Cyrus worked at the Social Security Administration. For the last 17 years of her tenure there, she was the Director of the Social Security Office of Hearings & Appeals. John Cyrus and S. Douglas Adkins, the founders of Cyrus & Adkins, have more than 60 years of combined experience helping people who are frustrated because they have legitimate cases or were denied justice, and are unable to navigate the complicated legal process. Let us help you. Our Huntington, West Virginia, law firm has a reputation for winning a wide range of difficult cases involving medical malpractice, products liability, and personal injury claims. We represent people throughout the state of West Virginia, and also accept cases in Ohio and Kentucky. By sharing our powerful resources and case knowledge with the law firms in those areas, we can build a strong case for you, no matter where the courtroom is located. Call 304-522-9593 for a free initial consultation. We will explain your case and your options so you can make an informed decision about important next steps.