Telenium Solutions Architect and Copper Product Manager at MegaSys Computer Technologies - Calgary, Calgary, N/A
About MegasysFounded in 1981, MegaSys ™ Computer Technologies is an industry leader in developing powerful network management solutions software aimed at improving network performance and reliability for our customers.MegaSys' initial success in meeting the Sprint requirement to improve network management performance led to contracts to install the Telenium™ Network Management System in Sprint's regional control centers in Sacramento and Atlanta. Since that time, MegaSys has delivered over 120 Telenium solutions across North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe.MegaSys has a solid track record in providing improved network management performance to wireless and broadband carriers, cable companies, private utilities and state agencies ranging in size from small regional operations to large wide access networks with as many as 20 interconnected network operations centers. As members of both the Utilities Telecom Council and American Public Power Association, we are committed to working with industry leaders to provide our customers with unsurpassed performance and reliability.