Chair Of The Board Of Directors at Baltimore Federal Executive Board - Baltimore, Maryland, United States
FEBs were established by Presidential Directive in 1961 to improve communication, coordination, and collaboration among Federal agencies outside of Washington, DC. FEBs foster strategic partnerships to develop working relationships and achieve common goals. Located in 28 metropolitan areas with significant Federal populations, FEBs provide forums for Federal leaders to connect and discuss management challenges and solution strategies.FEBs assist agencies to identify local priorities and work together to address issues. The FEBs enable collaboration on cross-agency initiatives and serve as a resource for local agency leaders to share best practices and lessons learned among their peers.Through active agency membership and partnerships, FEBs reduce duplicative efforts and increase the efficiency of Federal services. The FEBs engage with the local community, and facilitate relationships with State, local and non-governmental organizations.FEBs are comprised of the highest-ranking agency officials within their coverage area. Board membership is a collateral duty to agency responsibilities. The organizational elements of the Baltimore FEB are determined by the Chairperson, Governing Council, and Executive Director (ED). The ED is a full-time, federal civil service employee providing administrative support to the FEB and is responsible for the day-to-day management and operation of the FEB. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management is responsible for oversight and direction of FEBs.Collateral-duty volunteers from local agencies comprise the various interagency/intergovernmental Committees and Communities of Practice under each strategic goal. Developmental and leadership opportunities are available on a collateral-duty basis. Details and rotations are also available on part-time or full-time basis.The Baltimore FEB's formal coverage area: Baltimore City; Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Frederick, Harford, Howard, and Queen Anne's counties in Maryland.