Acupuncture and Massage College opened over 30 years ago as the first acupuncture school in Florida. Since day one, we have committed ourselves to spreading the idea that effective medicine can be both natural and personal. Spreading this idea begins in the classroom, where our students learn the science and traditions that inform the healing techniques that they will eventually use to treat people. The idea spreads beyond the classroom in our student clinic, where students and patients experience the power that therapeutic touch can have an individual. And finally, the idea spreads beyond our school through the testimonies reviews left by our alumni and healed patients on the internet. By leaving comments about our school and clinic, a community that is dedicated to holistic healing forms, and lets the rest of the world know the benefits of Oriental Medicine and Massage Therapy. The college and clinic are located at 10506 N Kendall Drive, Miami, FL 33176, in the Kendall Mall. You can call us at 305-595-9500 or email our admissions department at