Asst Commissiner A H at LIDCOM A Govt of Maharashtra Undertaking - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
The Leather Industries Development Corp. of Maharashtra is established by the Government of Maharashtra under the company act, 1956 with the objective to provide growth impetus to the leather industry in Maharashtra and to engage and provide income opportunities for the traditional leather goods manufacturing community, the Scheduled Caste Charmakar Community and to act as a conduit between the manufacturers and various organisations involved in the trade. LIDCOMs activities can be broadly categorized under commercial and social activities. The Commercial activities include arrangement, procurement and supply of raw material for those engaged in the Leather Industry. LIDCOM further ensures quality control of production and also take necessary steps for improvement in production techniques. As part of promoting the leather industry in Maharashtra, LIDCOM provides avenues for leather goods manufacturers for showcasing their products inside and outside Maharashtra by way of opening showrooms and exhibition centers, seminars, conferences etc. LIDCOM also arranges for providing training in production and marketing, thus ensuring quality products from its stable. LIDCOM, provides financial assistance and sanction Loans, Subsidies, Resources, Machinery, equipment for promoting leather and leather-based industries and other industries of Scheduled Caste Charmakar Community. LIDCOM also provides legal support, transport assistance to the Charmakar community members involved in agriculture or any other activity to further assist in the economic growth of the community. The body also raises funds from Central Govt., State Govt. and other financial institutions, Banks, Corporations, etc. at Central and State level for implementing the schemes for Scheduled Caste Charmakar Community.LIDCOM is the nodal state government body set up for upliftment of SC/ST community involved in leather trade in Maharashtra.