Dream Sponsors, Inc. is a registered 501 ( c ) 3, tax-exempt non-profit organization (Tax ID #: 20-5100559) based in the USA. We provide basic needs, school fees, educational advancement opportunities, mentoring and inner wellness programming to underserved populations to help them realize their dreams and goals and enhance their quality of life. Since 2006, we have been serving orphans and other vulnerable youth in Kenya through specific sponsorships and programming. More recently, we have introduced a new self-empowerment initiative, My Girl TRIBE™ (MGT), specifically targeting girls and young women across the globe.Through its collaborative relationships with community leaders and other organizations globally, Dream Sponsors:- Continues to provide education and basic resources for youth initially sponsored under our individual sponsorship program (phasing out)- Provides The My Girl TRIBE™ program to communities where vulnerable girls and women need it most - Builds collaborative partnerships with other organizations which have similar or complementary missions to that of Dream Sponsors and My Girl TRIBE™ - Inspires local community youth to "think globally and act locally"