DrManabendra Dutta

Vice President at Suguna Foods Limited - Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN

DrManabendra Dutta's Contact Details
+91 422 307 3000
Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Suguna Foods Limited
DrManabendra Dutta's Company Details
Suguna Foods Limited logo, Suguna Foods Limited contact details

Suguna Foods Limited

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, IN • 1284 Employees
Food Processing

In its 30 years of existence, Suguna has gone from strength to strength and has become a Rs. 5200 crore company that makes it India’s No. 1 broiler producer. Along the way, Suguna’s pioneering efforts in contract farming helped create thousands of rural entrepreneurs who share the growth successfully. "Poultry Integration" introduced and pioneered by Suguna in the country has energized the livelihoods of farmers in rural India. Suguna ranks among the top ten poultry companies worldwide. With operations in 11 states across India, it offers a range of poultry products and services. The fully integrated operations cover broiler and layer farming, hatcheries, feed mills, processing plants, vaccines and exports. Suguna markets live broiler chicken, value added eggs and frozen chicken. With the intent to provide consumers with fresh, clean and hygienic packed chicken, Suguna has set up a chain of modern retail outlets.

Poultry Production Animal Care
Details about Suguna Foods Limited
Frequently Asked Questions about DrManabendra Dutta
DrManabendra Dutta currently works for Suguna Foods Limited.
DrManabendra Dutta's role at Suguna Foods Limited is Vice President.
DrManabendra Dutta's email address is ***@sugunafoods.co.in. To view DrManabendra Dutta's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
DrManabendra Dutta works in the Food Processing industry.
DrManabendra Dutta's colleagues at Suguna Foods Limited are subramani Kannan, RAJAN SRIVASTAVA, pavankumar kosadgi, Sendil Kumar, MR ARUNRAJKUMAR, Prem Ckt, Raja Mohamed and others.
DrManabendra Dutta's phone number is +91 422 307 3000
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