Abortion Pills For Sale in Tembisa 0780 251 684 Women's Clinic Ivory park at Abortion Care Network - St. Louis Park, MN, US
Independent abortion clinics are leading the fight to sustain abortion access in the United States. They provide the majority of abortion care in the U.S. (58%) and are the lead plaintiffs in Supreme Court cases. However, independent clinics remain relatively absent from public conversation and lack the resources of national health centers and hospitals, making it especially difficult for them to secure the support they need to keep their doors open. Abortion Care Network (ACN) is the national membership organization for independent abortion clinics (indies). We are a network of indie clinics and the allies who support them. Indies face a distinct set of obstacles. ACN works to eliminate these challenges through direct support and collaboration with other reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations. Our network of Indies and allies work to advance our collective goal of equal and just access to dignified and exceptional abortion care.