BackgroundNuozone, founded in 2005, is the leading player in corona discharge ozonetechnology. Nuozone is an international OEM supplier and manufacturer specializing indouble barrier corona discharge electrode for ozone and ion technology. Our ozonegenerators and electrodes are marketed and in use worldwide with a proven highperformance and excellent lifespan. Nuozone Cofounders Eli David and Dror Niv havemore than 25 years of experience developing durable, modular ozone products. Everyeffort is made to improve Nuozone core technology, design and develop new productsaccording to market demands and customer requirements.Ozone usageOzone is being used for more than 100 years in many fields: water sanitation, air and surfaces sanitation,restoration and medical applications because of its powerful anti-bacterial and disinfection properties. Ozoneeliminates viruses, bacteria, mold and bad odors with no chemical residue. In addition, latest research showsthat ozone eliminates SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause for COVID-19.Nuozone Core technologies❖ Ozone Double barrier corona discharge electrodeNUOZONE double barrier core technology provides high performance and a stable ozone output with a longlifespan. This innovative ozone module set was designed for efficiency, durability, plug and play installation andeasy maintenance with a careful attention to end-user requirements. NUOZONE agile engineering allowsmanufacturers to build and integrate the electrode in powerful and robust professional ozone generators.The ozone module set is designed for heavy duty tasks and capable to work in harsh environment.Business model opportunities❖ Supply ozone electrode sets with necessary technical support for manufacturing.❖ Provide Nuozone own brand name products❖ Work as an OEM/ODM manufacturer.