GET WELL...STAY WELL...LIVE WELL, NATURALLYWelcome!We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality natural healthcare services. Our goal is to empower you in making smarter and healthier decisions while achieving optimal health. Our healthcare approach is a unique blend of holistic medicine and chiropractic including clinical nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, natural hormone balancing, energy medicine and emotional well-being. When necessary, recommendations will be made for blood work panels, male and female hormone panels, food allergy testing and other wellness evaluations.Whether you have questions about treatment options, lifestyle modification, nutritional supplements, natural hormone balancing or health products, we are here to help you! Best in Health,Drs Pete & AmyNatural Healthcare Specialties13203 South 48th StreetPhoenix, AZ 85044480-496-4949