Owner Promoter is a social media marketing agency. Owner Promoter got its name from the simple fact that when you are the owner of a business you are the one giving promotions not receiving promotions. Well we want to change that and the way we change that is by promoting you, the business owner, by increasing your profitability and client base to make sure you get the euphoric feeling that comes with getting a promotion. Here at Owner Promoter we help businesses increase their revenue and customer base by increasing their online exposure through social media presence and other online outlets. Our primary focus for businesses at Owner Promoter is restaurants and online businesses but we also work for other industries as well. Our primary objective is to bring you and your business more customers by using social media to get the exposure you deserve! We use Facebook targeted ads as well as other social media platforms to bring you business and help your business grow. If your business is at a plateau or just isn't growing fast enough for you contact us and we will make sure your business grows faster than you could have ever imagined!