Kansas Bioscience Authority invests its own funds, attracts co-investors, manages its portfolio companies and calls on its network of partners and experts to generate a return on and of invested capital.Created by the Kansas Economic Growth Act of 2004 to accelerate growth in the bioscience sector, KBA originally was designed to generate bioscience jobs. KBA now is a market-based, self-sustaining venture capital organization with an unlimited future.Each KBA investment team member brings years of experience from one or more of the three sectors, has raised capital, participated in the management of invested companies and taken them to successful rounds of additional funding, commercialization, IPO or sale.Kansas Bioscience Authority is focused on the industry sectors where Kansas has conspicuous advantages:Agribusiness:KBA invests in disruptive technologies in agriculture, crop science and crop-derived products that provide safe and reliable protein; improves food production; increases yield; leads to new concepts in food storage, microbial controls and food processing; and produces sustainable fuels and chemicals that can replace petrochemical derivatives.Animal Health:KBA invests in production and companion animal health technologies that improve food safety, food production and bring new tools and therapies to animal health, human health and other biosciences that often lead to novel animal health innovations.Human Health:KBA invests in new medical devices and diagnostics, healthcare IT and mobile health as well as drug development and delivery with relatively short exits in areas that protect and advance human health.