Dulcineia Baquete

Gestora e Educadora Ambiental at Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA) - Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil

Dulcineia Baquete's Contact Details
["+61 8 9964 2195","+55 11 3133-3542","+62 21 3522703","+965 2220 8310","+55 61 2028-2452","+54 9 223 555-6134","+49 172 2586944","+55 61 2028-2192","+1 415-487-9600","+55 51 3338-4809","+55 61 2028-2355","+258 82 896 9570","+54 11 4576-3355","+965 9979 7006","+61 12008094848","+55 613171086","+49 228 993050","+55 61 4009-9555","+55 61 3212-0200","+55 14 3103-6122","+55 61 2028-1003","+61 33177918","+55 61 2028-1888","+55 61 99431-7777","+62 21 3500234","+55 61 2028-2325","+55 61 2028-2041","+61 331712251215","+55 61 3317-1160","+44 1642 762151","+20 2 5640564","+55 61 2028-1215","+55 61 2028-2614","+61 33171413","+55 612247020","+55 613171235","+44 844 902 1000","+55 61 2028-2137","+55 61 2033-7923","+55 800 707 1000","+55 800 703 7150","+49 228 8151404","+55 61 2028-2098","+55 61 2028-1201","+258 84 396 9570","+55 61 2028-2028","+90 212 227 99 27","+55 61 2028-7249","+61 20282029","+55 11 3836-6566","+679 330 7011","+55 61 3448-4433","+55 61 2028-2289","+55 61 3218-2828","+55 61 5509-3511"]
Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA)
Dulcineia Baquete's Company Details
Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA) logo, Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA) contact details

Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA)

Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil • 1001 - 5000 Employees
Government Administration

The Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA) was established in 1992. It's mission is to promote the adoption of principles and strategies for the protection and restoration of the environment; for the sustainable use of natural resources; for the valuing of environmental services; and for the inclusion of sustainable development in public policies, in a participative, democratic and transversal way, at all levels and instances of government and society. The Ministry is responsible for addressing the following issues: a national policy for the environment and for water resources; a policy for the preservation, conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems, biodiversity and forests; proposing strategies, mechanisms and economic and social instruments for improving environmental quality and for the sustainable use of natural resources; policies for integrating production and the environment; environmental policies and programmes for the Legal Amazon; and ecological and economic territorial zoning. (http://www.mma.gov.br/sitio/en/index.php?ido=conteudo.monta&idEstrutura=206)

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Details about Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA)
Frequently Asked Questions about Dulcineia Baquete
Dulcineia Baquete currently works for Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA).
Dulcineia Baquete's role at Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA) is Gestora e Educadora Ambiental.
Dulcineia Baquete's email address is ***@mma.gov.br. To view Dulcineia Baquete's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Dulcineia Baquete works in the Government Administration industry.
Dulcineia Baquete's colleagues at Brazilian Ministry of the Environment (MMA) are Joana Tanure, Rhuanna Rackel, Ana Ramos, Iguaci Dias, Nadja Janke, Leonardo Klosovski and others.
Dulcineia Baquete's phone number is ["+61 8 9964 2195","+55 11 3133-3542","+62 21 3522703","+965 2220 8310","+55 61 2028-2452","+54 9 223 555-6134","+49 172 2586944","+55 61 2028-2192","+1 415-487-9600","+55 51 3338-4809","+55 61 2028-2355","+258 82 896 9570","+54 11 4576-3355","+965 9979 7006","+61 12008094848","+55 613171086","+49 228 993050","+55 61 4009-9555","+55 61 3212-0200","+55 14 3103-6122","+55 61 2028-1003","+61 33177918","+55 61 2028-1888","+55 61 99431-7777","+62 21 3500234","+55 61 2028-2325","+55 61 2028-2041","+61 331712251215","+55 61 3317-1160","+44 1642 762151","+20 2 5640564","+55 61 2028-1215","+55 61 2028-2614","+61 33171413","+55 612247020","+55 613171235","+44 844 902 1000","+55 61 2028-2137","+55 61 2033-7923","+55 800 707 1000","+55 800 703 7150","+49 228 8151404","+55 61 2028-2098","+55 61 2028-1201","+258 84 396 9570","+55 61 2028-2028","+90 212 227 99 27","+55 61 2028-7249","+61 20282029","+55 11 3836-6566","+679 330 7011","+55 61 3448-4433","+55 61 2028-2289","+55 61 3218-2828","+55 61 5509-3511"]
See more information about Dulcineia Baquete