Ignite a culture of innovation and creativity within your companyHaving worked for the Disney for 25 years, most recentlyas Head of Innovation and Creativity, Duncan now servesas an independent innovation and design thinking consultant,helping companies embed a culture of innovation andcreativity across their organizations. Delivering a series ofkeynotes, training workshops and ideation forums, hisunique Design Thinking process helps people captureunlikely connections, leading to both fresh thinking andrevolutionary ideas.Leaning on his experience at Disney, Duncan's uniqueapproach to Design Thinking not only places the end userat the core of the creative process, but also looks in newand usual places to uncover insights for innovation. That isa competitive advantage that instantly propels any businessto greater heights. Duncan helps companies, brandsand individuals overcome their own expertise and get outof their own way, to think differently and creatively aboutsolutions to challenges big and small.He is a multiple Ted X speaker and contributor to FastCompany Magazine. He teaches Innovation and DesignThinking workshops at Yale, UNC and the UF. He holds theAmerican Citizen Award presented at the White House, anHons. Doctorate from Edinburgh University and the Dukeof Edinburgh Award, presented by Queen Elizabeth.