www.faltu.com is the dream of two such individuals for whom their dreams are not their's alone. For them it is best materialised when shared by others and when it makes a difference in other people's lives. About this new endeavour, well, they would like to describe it as a website that has many layers attached to its persona or let's say it is multiple personalities in order. It is an endeavour to help you explore and rediscover yourself, perhaps, the self that you had lost somewhere in the race of life. It is an endeavour to help you live life in a colourful and carnivalesque manner. And it is an endeavour that has a little something for everybody. www.faltu.com is excited to know what your take is on it, what you visualise it as and what you think it to be. They would love you to unravel its signature mystery and let them know your reflections on their welcome page, and you might end up with a world of goodies if it can capture the essence!