Urban Health Action works to return human life to first-priority status among U.S. institutions. Domestic deaths from the listed causes below demonstrate inadequate protection. The deaths violate International Human Rights law and are peculiar to the U.S. U.H.A. believes the U.S. must realign itself with it's earlier efforts as leader in Human Rights (post WW II). As a basic step U.H.A. encourages the U.S. to rejoin the 130 other countries Globally whose human rights are legally codified and International monitored. - 400,000/yr - Deaths from medical errors - 400% increase since 1999 - 45,000/yr - Deaths from health care exclusion - non-insured. (2009-13) - 17,000/yr/projected - Deaths in states non-compliant with ACA medicare 2014 - 35,000/yr - Deaths by firearms - 5,000/yr - Deaths related to being homeless - 5,000/yr - vehicular fatalities of pedestrian or bicyclists (EU ~ 0.3X/100,000)www.UrbanHealthAction.org