"All business lives by public approval and, roughly speaking, the more approval you have, the better you live. The fundamental way to get approval is to deserve it." Arthur W Page 1926We'll help you to deserve it. We provide strategic advice, program design and development, staff training and support, and program monitoring and evaluation in:• Social and health impact and risk assessment.• Community and government liaison.• Stakeholder consultation strategy and systems.• Social performance management, measurement and reporting.• Performance auditing (RABQSA certified).• Management strategy and implementation.• Community development program design, implementation and evaluation.• Corporate social responsibility and community investment.• Media management, outrage management.The team at DMConsulting has collectively more than 20 years' experience in social performance management. We have a long list of complementary formal qualifications. We are incredibly practical, having worked implementing programs for governments, not-for-profit organisations and private (mainly resources) companies for many years. We will think about your project differently. We'd love to chat to you about your project needs. Visit our website: www.dmconsult.com.au.