vrstle"The ability to adapt and overcome any situation" In the world we live in today, it is more than apparent tomorrow is not guaranteed; life as we know it is constantly changing. My name is Dylan Tolbert, the founder of vrstle. The concept of vrstle to me is a growing entity with no end in sight. As an individual, I have relentlessly pursued success in every chapter of life. From minimum wage jobs to full time personal training, the blueprint for success was never about being extremely great at one thing or even about being average at everything, but rather pursuing greatness in everything you do. At vrstle we've put together what we believe is the complete blueprint for achieving success. With well over 5,000 hours of coaching experience we've found a way to pair optimal movement technique and proper nutrition planning of individual goals, all while mitigating the risk of injury.In a world that is constantly changing, be vrstle.