Dyos Saksono

Head Of Business Operations at KISEL (OFFICIAL) - Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia

Dyos Saksono's Contact Details
["(+62) 812 4545 1212","021-79188200","+62 21791 88200","0823 6766 8888","4805240066","081213879913","1706054970","081 2323 81 666","0361 425 542","+62 21 79188200","02179188200","+62 21 79188202"]
Dyos Saksono's Company Details
KISEL (OFFICIAL) logo, KISEL (OFFICIAL) contact details


Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia • 5001 - 10000 Employees

Kisel is an infrastructure provider of telecommunications services, General Services and Distribution Channel with a network of 54 operational offices from the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to Papua offices. Since its foundation in 1996 until 2014, Kisel business continues to grow.In line with the development of telecommunication industry and industrial environments, Kisel continue to be developed to become a reliable support for growth and development of telecommunication industry in Indonesia.On the way there are some things that have achieved significant Kisel among others as one of the authorized dealers of the National level, play a role in the program that held most of Indonesia such as the USO, and so on.

Details about KISEL (OFFICIAL)
Frequently Asked Questions about Dyos Saksono
Dyos Saksono currently works for KISEL (OFFICIAL).
Dyos Saksono's role at KISEL (OFFICIAL) is Head Of Business Operations.
Dyos Saksono's email address is ***@kiselindonesia.com. To view Dyos Saksono's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Dyos Saksono works in the Telecommunications industry.
Dyos Saksono's colleagues at KISEL (OFFICIAL) are Zulfi Zulfi, Puji Yanto, Syafrizal Hasbi, Anastasia Audri, Erik Setiawan, Triyono G, Wildan Said and others.
Dyos Saksono's phone number is ["(+62) 812 4545 1212","021-79188200","+62 21791 88200","0823 6766 8888","4805240066","081213879913","1706054970","081 2323 81 666","0361 425 542","+62 21 79188200","02179188200","+62 21 79188202"]
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