Easton Harris

CEO at Kia Kaha Apparel - Richmond, Virginia, United States

Easton Harris's Colleagues at Kia Kaha Apparel
Easton Harris's Contact Details
Richmond,Utah,84333,United States
Kia Kaha Apparel
Easton Harris's Company Details
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Kia Kaha Apparel

Richmond, Virginia, United States • 1 Employees
Apparel & Fashion

Kia Kaha Apparel was created because we wanted to make a difference in the world. The phrase kia kaha (Stay strong, Be Strong, Forever Strong) comes from the maori language. We first heard the phrase playing rugby, Our love of the sport and love of the Kia Kaha meaning created the brand. We realized that there are people who are in need of staying strong, being strong and becoming forever strong. Weather it be mentally, physically or emotionally we all have had our struggles. Having mental illnesses like anxiety and depression is a problem. We hope to help those hurt physically, mentally and emotionally and we are looking for people willing to lend a helping hand. We decided to build a business based on that and some principals we learned from rugby. Respect and the importance of integrity, it has all but vanished from everyday life. Lets bring respect and integrity back into our daily lives.Life is better when we stick together. We need to come together as humans. We all can make a change in this world together. The small things add up fast.Passion and commitment are everything. This is consistently proven, we have a drive to change the world and we know that others want to help too. This is an outlet for you to help change the world.

Details about Kia Kaha Apparel
Frequently Asked Questions about Easton Harris
Easton Harris currently works for Kia Kaha Apparel.
Easton Harris's role at Kia Kaha Apparel is CEO.
Easton Harris's email address is ***@kiakahaapparel.com. To view Easton Harris's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Easton Harris works in the Apparel & Fashion industry.
Easton Harris's colleagues at Kia Kaha Apparel are and others.
Easton Harris's phone number is
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