Technical Specialist at Turkish Accreditation Agency (TURKAK) - Ankara, Ankara Province, Turkey
Being the sole accreditation body in Turkey, TURKAK is subject to private law provisions and is a legal entity having administrative and financial autonomy. The objective of TURKAK is to facilitate the free movement of goods in the Turkish Market by assuring the reliability of reports and certifications granted by (CABs) in the direction of international agreements and criteria.A global acceptance of the services provided with an accreditation is also subject to some questions, as to establish a confidence for the quality of the accreditation service itself. The trusting mechanism between accreditation bodies is constructed on the multi literal agreements at the international and regional accreditation body organisations, like IAF (International Accreditation Forum), ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation), EA (Europen Cooperation for Accreditation), etc.TURKAK established in 1999, started to provide accrediation services in 2001. became a signatory of MLA with EA for all the available accreditation schemes at 2008. TURKAK is a full member of EA, IAF and ILAC and one of the first national accreditation bodies in Europe with EA MLA in all schemes of accreditation subject to multilateral agreements.