Economic Review, Pakistan's Journal of Economic Development has now completing its fourth decade of its in-depth analysis and research. The Economic Review has been nominated as a Social Science Database for SAARC for indexing and abstracting the SAARAC Social Science database by the Nexus Information Services Co. (Pvt.) Limited which is a part of National Information Services Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The Journal has witnessed lot of changes in the domestic and international arena. It covers the entire economic spectrum including political events, which largely affects the economic development, and labor which is an essential part of production process. Economic Review regarded as a vital tool in decision-making among business circle and keeps you on top of coming events with its regular features. Economic Forecast, International Round-up, Agriculture, Industry Profile, Stock Market, Currency Market, Price Situation, Company Affairs, Book review, International Scene and People. The journal has been regularly consulted by the Government Corporation, Public and Private Sector Companies, Financial Institutions in Pakistan, Businessmen, Industrialists, Libraries, Foreign Mission in Pakistan, Multinational Companies, IBA, LUMPS, Karachi University and large number of subscribers.