We use proven process diagnostic, process design, process improvement, and problem-solving methodologies as we identify and solve your real business issues together with you . . . We have functional experience in all areas of business including: sales, marketing, finance/accounting, HR/OD, operations, training, employee health, product development, R&D, laboratories, commercialization, distribution and contracting with extensive cross-functional and international project Our most requested services include:BUSINESS PROCESS FOCUS> Process Design and Improvement using LeanOps PLUS® methodology> Diagnosing and addressing pain points, risks, and persistent issues> Value Stream analysis> System/process mapping and diagnosis> Guiding cross-functional teams to address issues using an action-learning approach from identification through implementationBUSINESS PROBLEM-SOLVING FOCUS> Addressing problems from persistent daily annoyances to complex issues that are crippling your business using LeanOps PLUS® methodology> Teaching teams how to work together to solve problems using the modular LeanOps PLUS® Workshop while addressing actual business issues> Better Together: Unleashing the Power of Problem-Solving Teams" – one-day workshop