White Knight Services Inc. was founded in September of 2011. It is a family owned and operated company ran by Charles Slate, Vicki Johns, Sarah Medendorp, Nick Medendorp and Fred Medendorp. The main objective of the company is to invest in Real Estate while improving neighborhoods, helping home owners who are in trouble, as well as making investors a greater percentage on their money. White Knight Services Inc. is involved in but not limited to: Wholesaling, Rehabbing, Limited Partnerships and Joint Ventures. We are not Realtors but rather investors, however, we use Realtors in all of our transactions (and lawyers if necessary). Please contact us if you have a house you need to get out of or a whole sale deal you are looking to pick up. We are always open to reviewing people and companies for Limited Partners and/or Joint Ventures. Above everything else White Knight Services is a Christian organization and is dedicated to serving God and the Community around us.