Eddie Bell

Front Desk Staff at Framatome Inc. - Lynchburg, VA, US

Eddie Bell's Colleagues at Framatome Inc.
Dsf Cxc

ininger assieytnt

Contact Dsf Cxc

Patty Vega

Teaching Professional

Contact Patty Vega

Mickael ABREU

Coordinateur industrialisation

Contact Mickael ABREU

Vicente Crespo

Responsable Hidrogeno y Almacenamiento Energetico en Espana

Contact Vicente Crespo

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Eddie Bell's Contact Details
Framatome Inc.
Eddie Bell's Company Details
Framatome Inc. logo, Framatome Inc. contact details

Framatome Inc.

Lynchburg, VA, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Framatome est un acteur international majeur de la filière nucléaire reconnu pour ses solutions innovantes et ses technologies à forte valeur ajoutée pour la conception, la construction, la maintenance et le développement du parc nucléaire mondial. L'entreprise conçoit et fabrique des composants, du combustible et offre toute une gamme de services destinés aux réacteurs.Grâce à ses 14 000 collaborateurs à travers le monde, Framatome met chaque jour son expertise au service de ses clients pour leur permettre d'améliorer la sûreté et la performance de leurs centrales nucléaires et de contribuer à atteindre leurs objectifs économiques et sociétaux.Framatome est détenue par le groupe EDF (75,5 %), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI - 19,5 %) et Assystem (5 %)---------------------------Framatome is a major international player in the nuclear energy market recognized for its innovative solutions and value-added technologies for designing, building, maintaining, and advancing the global nuclear fleet. The company designs, manufactures, and installs components and fuel for nuclear power plants and offers a full range of reactor services. With 14,000 employees worldwide, every day Framatome's expertise helps its customers improve the safety and performance of their nuclear plants and achieve their economic and societal goals. Framatome is owned by the EDF Group (75.5%), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI – 19.5%) and Assystem (5%).

Nuclear Energy - Reactors & Services Nuclear Energy - Front End Nuclear Energy - Reactors & Services
Details about Framatome Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Eddie Bell
Eddie Bell currently works for Framatome.
Eddie Bell's role at Framatome is Front Desk Staff.
Eddie Bell's email address is ***@framatome.com. To view Eddie Bell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Eddie Bell works in the Oil & Energy industry.
Eddie Bell's colleagues at Framatome Inc. are Dsf Cxc, Patty Vega, Nancy Esque, Mickael ABREU, Erin Blank, Vicente Crespo, Kenneth Dugas and others.
Eddie Bell's phone number is 434-832-3000
See more information about Eddie Bell