Loan Officer at Next Generation Financial Services/1st Mariner Bank - , , United States
NGFS only recruits people who have proven expertise and years of experience in the financial services fields. Those applicants who meet the minimum requirements are then brought into an intense training program to learn about the Reverse Mortgage and, as with all bank loan officers, are required to meet all compliance requirements. NGFS and 1st Mariner Bank stand behind their loan officers. All administration, processing, and underwriting of NGFS Reverse Mortgages is performed by Bank staff to further ensure that NGFS clients are always being served by specialists in all aspects of their relationship with NGFS.SO WHAT MAKES NEXT GENERATION FINANCIAL SERVICES (NGFS) DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER HUD APPROVED SOURCES FOR A REVERSE MORTGAGE? * Unlike many other HUD-approved sources for Reverse Mortgages, all NGFS loan officers have years of experience in the financial services field, and are fimiliar in the fields of Long Term Care, Wealth Preservation and Estate Planning. * Additionally, as part of his/her training in becoming a NGFS loan officer, each has further been trained in the new field of Cash Flow Planning, which enables them to assist you in improving and maximizing the benefits of your cash flow.