Only Contents is a specialist company. We specialise in one thing and one thing only, contents. That's all we do. Only contents.In a fire or flood loss, we take care of the contents. We can pack-out if necessary. We can clean and repair the contents if necessary. We can store the contents if necessary. All this is done with permanent employees, at standard industry rates. So, in short, we provide an expert, cost-effective contents restoration and cleaning service to the disaster restoration industry.* We don't mitigate. We don't remediate. We don't reconstruct. We clean and restore only CONTENTS.* Using only CONTENTS dramatically reduces the total loss claim for Adjusters, increases the job profitability for Restoration Contractors and gets the file closed quicker.* The only CONTENTS Personal Property Restoration Center provides better contents cleaning, at a lower cost using standard industry pricing, by combining the most cost effective cleaning techniques (e.g. ultrasonic cleaning, ozone deodorization) with a purpose built, state of the art contents cleaning restoration facility and expertly trained employees (no temporary labor!)