The UBIX Network is an advanced DAG/blockchain hybrid designed to integrate blockchains of various types of consensus into a single peer-to-peer network. UBIX Users can create their own personal or public blockchains of various types, using them to service and support a wide spectrum of processes. The UBIX Network easily allows your created blockchains to work in a single address space in a common network, and can be easily integrated with each other without using any gateways. The UBIX interface is a Super-App, such as the "WeChat architecture" built on a micro services, allowing applications to be integrated with each other, providing users with the smooth use of various crypto services.The UBIX Network platform is renown for its development and advanced infastruture to regulate the money supply (1) providing liquidity to the entire system to enable economic agents to carry out monetary transactions, (2) controlling inflation, finding the optimal ratio of the volume of the economy and the money supply, and (3) managing transaction costs by smoothing the peaks of growth in the value of the currency.UBIX is built on advance algorithms never seen in today's crypto currency blockchain arena, and continues to develop its network globally with new intelligence and advance mathematical models, surpassing the common and routine "blockchain dinosaurs" of today.United Blockchain International are the creators of the UBIX Network, changing the world with the most advanced hybrid blockchain to provide new liquidity infrastructure inflation control, and the smoothest transaction management, uniquely integrated for future crypto economic systems.