Funded by Jerry Stoller and the Stoller Group, the Stoller Foundation incubates and accelerates non-profits that are focused on evangelism and volunteerism. We serve as a launchpad for start-up non-profits with innovative and creative ideas to address the needs of the community with the love of Christ. We also award a limited number of grants each year to non-profits we select to be a part of our accelerator program.With a humble beginning, Jerry Stoller founded the Stoller Group in Houston back in 1970. Through hard work and perseverance, he revolutionized the agricultural industry allowing people from all walks of life to better provide sustenance for their families. The Stoller Group currently provides its products and services worldwide. In response to the fruits of his labor, while remaining steadfast in his faith, Jerry Stoller founded the Stoller Foundation in 2006. The vision for the Stoller Foundation today is to be a needed catalyst through its volunteers who share their time, talents and treasures to enrich good programs or ministries and nurture a generation of believers willing to serve others.