Jamesons is proud to be a leading supplier ofanimal feeds, farm seeds and fertiliser throughoutthe North of England, committed to supplyingyour farming needs.As members of the Universal Feed Assurance Scheme,the Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme and licensed withFERA and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate we strictlyadhere to all manufacturing standards and guidelines.We only use the highest quality feed ingredients and onlyselect the best NIAB independently trialled seed varieties,to recommend to our customers, ensuring maximumproductivity from your feed or seed purchase. In additionwe sell farm hardware, feeding equipment, beddingmaterials, fencing equipment, forage additives, milk powderand minerals and liquid feeds. Our grain drying facilities and6000 tonnes of storage at Masham allows us to purchasegrain direct from customers at harvest and throughout theyear. The company aims to build strong relationships withcustomers focusing on quality products backed up bysound technical advice and support.