House Valuate will allow you to compare house sales in your neighborhood with house sales from around the Your City Area. Simply type in some information about your home, including the address, the type of dwelling, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the square footage of the home and the condition of the home, and an expert will get back to you and let you know what your house value is.House Valuate isn't just for people who are looking for housing prices and market values because they're looking to sell. Your home value can also determine whether or not you qualify for a refinanced mortgage and the house value can be determined if you are looking to purchase a home. Ultimately, having an updated house value might be able to save you thousands of dollars if you are selling or buying!House Valuate is also great for people who are investors interested in the market for one reason or another. Up until the financial crisis, Your City was one of America's fastest-growing cities. Many people were buying up homes and condos throughout the city because they were great investments. Now that home prices have stabilized, many people are looking to get back into the real estate market. By comparing house sales throughout the Your City Area, investors can determine for themselves whether or not now is a good time to purchase homes, or whether the housing market hasn't quite rebounded to a comfortable level yet. If you're moving to Your City because of a new job, the website's tools are easy to use and can give you an idea of which neighborhoods might be affordable.