Edmundo Baltazar

Superintendent at Mata Construction, Inc - , Illinois, United States

Edmundo Baltazar's Contact Details
California,United States
Mata Construction, Inc
Edmundo Baltazar's Company Details
Mata Construction, Inc logo, Mata Construction, Inc contact details

Mata Construction, Inc

, Illinois, United States • 11 - 50 Employees

MATA Construction, Inc. is a general contracting company established since 1989, delivering a wide range of residential and commercial services in the Chicago-land area and beyond. Our team is composed of construction, design, and management experts expediting a varieties of multi scale projects. MATA Construction began working in the fire damaged restoration of residential properties. Due the sensitive nature of such an emotion situation, the manner in which these renovations where handled, became the foundation of how to manage each of our projects moving forward. A special attention to detail and care is invested in each one. Our roots began as simple carpenters and laborers working along other trades men. The quality in work and the respectful manner of our team on sites began to grab the attention of project managers and large construction companies opening the doors to larger scale projects.These opportunities allowed MATA to develop and grow into a company now providing services from concept, interior design and construction counseling, full scale build and complete renovation.

Details about Mata Construction, Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Edmundo Baltazar
Edmundo Baltazar currently works for Mata Construction, Inc..
Edmundo Baltazar's role at Mata Construction, Inc. is Superintendent.
Edmundo Baltazar's email address is ***@mataconstruction-chicago.com. To view Edmundo Baltazar's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Edmundo Baltazar works in the Construction industry.
Edmundo Baltazar's colleagues at Mata Construction, Inc are George Bonales, Francisco Mata, Christopher Lee, Krishna Patel, Marilyn Mata and others.
Edmundo Baltazar's phone number is
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