Partnering with the Green Tech Industry and Applied Research Agents to foster economical competitiveness of Renewable Energy.INDEOL is effectively closing the gap between a feasible new technology and the industrial application of such technology with the purpose of dramatically reduce the cost of green generated electricity. Our efforts are driven by the goal of reducing either the capital cost of current technologies as well as the operation and maintenance.These advantages translate into a levelized cost of energy that is below current best-in-class operating technologies and in the grid parity direction. Our success is an effective contribution to an scenario in which Green energy is a sustainable business that can be deployed with no restrictions. We will partner with industrial agents, either components supplier, OEM or operators, and Applied Research agents to enable all them to bring next generation technologies to market incorporating our innovations. Being competitive in front of other power generation technologies will provide a key for health and wealth growth to any region based on own natural resources.