Edward Curran

Career Employment Counselor at City of Cranston, RI - N/A, , US

Edward Curran's Contact Details
City of Cranston, RI
Edward Curran's Company Details

City of Cranston, RI

N/A, , US • 100 - 249 Employees

"Good help is hard to find"...an age-old lament shared by employers the world over. Ironically, the model employee that you're looking for may already be working for you; all that's missing is the necessary training. Of course, proper training costs money, which prompts many business own­ers and managers to ask the question, "Can I afford to train this person?" when they should be asking themselves "Can I afford not to?" Businesses that are located in the cities of Providence and Cranston have a wealth of training and placement opportuni­ties available to them through Workforce Solutions of Providence/Cranston. Established in 1998 as a result of Congressional passage of the Workforce Investment Act, Workforce Solutions of Providence/Cranston is one of two Workforce Investment Boards in Rhode Island . Our purpose is to coordinate all employment, training, and related education efforts that are funded by Federal and State agencies in the cities of Providence and Cranston . These programs offer substantial amounts of funding, and can be customized to fit the particular workforce needs of your business. Workforce Solutions of Providence/Cranston can be your partner in upgrading the skills of your current workforce through: •Employee Investment Grants •Excellence Through Training Grants Workforce Solutions of Providence/Cranston can also be a source of recruitment, training and placement of new employees through: •Customized Training Programs •Individual Training Accounts •On-The-job Training Programs •Job Creation Grants

Government General Government Nec Government Administration
Details about City of Cranston, RI
Frequently Asked Questions about Edward Curran
Edward Curran currently works for City of Cranston, RI.
Edward Curran's role at City of Cranston, RI is Career Employment Counselor.
Edward Curran's email address is ***@workforcesolutionspc.com. To view Edward Curran's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Edward Curran works in the Government Administration industry.
Edward Curran's colleagues at City of Cranston, RI are Lisa Kirshenbaum, McKenna, Bill, Nathan Godfrin, Chuck Phelps, Deborah Igoe, Ed Ervanian, Gerri Brown and others.
Edward Curran's phone number is 401-861-0800
See more information about Edward Curran