Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is a non–for-profit organisation composed of large and SME industry as well as research organizations working around Big Data. Its basic principles are openness, transparency and inclusiveness. BDVA represents the private side in the Big Data Value Public Private Partnership (BDV PPP), a Joint Venture with the European Commission, the public side. The main role of the BDVA is the provision of the BDV Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and its regular updates, defining and monitoring the metrics of the cPPP, and joining the European Commission in the cPPP partnership board. The objectives of the Association are to boost European Big Data Value research, development and innovation and to foster a positive perception of BDV: - Strengthening competitiveness and ensuring industrial leadership; - Promoting the widest and best uptake of BDV technologies and services; - Establishing the excellence of the science around Big Data