Edward Maddox

Engineer at Honeywell Aerospace - Phoenix, AZ, US

Edward Maddox's Contact Details
Honeywell Aerospace
Edward Maddox's Company Details

Honeywell Aerospace

Phoenix, AZ, US • >10000 Employees

Honeywell International Inc. (Honeywell) is a diversified technology and manufacturing company, serving customers globally with aerospace products and services, control, sensing and security technologies for buildings, homes and industry, turbochargers, automotive products, specialty chemicals, electronic and advanced materials, and process technology for refining and petrochemicals and energy efficient products and solutions for homes, business and transportation. The Company operates in four business segments: aerospace, automation and control solutions, specialty materials, and transportation systems. During the year ended December 31, 2008, the Company completed the acquisition of Safety Products Holding, Inc. (Norcross) and Metrologic Instruments, Inc. In July 2008, B/E Aerospace, Inc. announced that it has completed the acquisition of Honeywell's Consumables Solutions distribution business (HCS) within the Aerospace segment.

Aerospace Advanced Materials Turbochargers Electronic Materials Sensing Solutions Automation Security Technologies Specialty Chemicals Process Technology
Details about Honeywell Aerospace
Frequently Asked Questions about Edward Maddox
Edward Maddox currently works for Honeywell Aerospace.
Edward Maddox's role at Honeywell Aerospace is Engineer.
Edward Maddox's email address is ***@honeywell.com. To view Edward Maddox's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Edward Maddox works in the Aerospace/Defense industry.
Edward Maddox's colleagues at Honeywell Aerospace are Joe Valovage, Daniel Hendricks, Scott Glasspoole, Mark Liepold, Carl Cook, Patti Klein, Mike Jackson and others.
Edward Maddox's phone number is 602-365-3099
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